Could Sauna be a weapon to kill Covd-19 ?

From our specialist partner in the Middle East, a bio-absorbent screw manufacturer for orthopedic applications and Vice President of HUNDAI-Medical, we have received the following clarifications on coronavirus resistance to high temperatures:
Above 28 C shortens its effective life but it will be destroyed if at 56 C for 30 min. or immediately at 70 C
We are looking at how and if staying in the sauna could possibly help prevent and / or cure COVID-19 and at what stage.
Keep in mind that in the sauna the air we breathe can exceed 70 degrees Centigrade.
It remains to see whether the destruction of the virus in the lungs where it multiplies perhaps faster, can help the immune system in killing the viruses that have already passed into other tissues in the rest of the body.
In general, we are concerned about the employment and promotion of the necessary measures against the spread of virus attacks, rather than the promotion and guidance of measures to enhance our immune system.

It seems finally that the body's mechanisms prevent the lungs to overheat and their temperature does not exceed 37 degrees even if one stays long time in a hot Sauna.
Still Sauna could hwlp in the prevention of the virus infection, especially if the Sauna is a private one, not of common use like in a Gym.
